The Paramount Law of Transformation. B;ological Blueprint of the Universe. Spac3 Program Since 1452. The Perfect Society vs Resonant Waves … .

The Perfect Society vs Resonant Waves vs Formation of Reality … . 


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The Perfect Society dwell in singular awareness, crisp, yet, fresh understanding of the path, in other words, mathematical translation refers to it as projected quantified sequence, de facto, attitudes.

* The Perfect Society dwell in singular projection, fragmented in entirety, yet, the whole is projecting progression based on fragmented attitudes, where singularity is complete, yet, entire spectrum is projecting individual unified spectrum of the whole.

Singularity is complete, yet, unified spectrum of the whole.

* Each, singular projection, de facto, mosaic of compatible singularities, including compatible opposites are complete and independent, create social projection of attitudes and virtues.

* Complete projection of virtues are possible through projected progressions of singularities, not selected few, but whole mosaic of singularities, which manifest real potential with regard to maximizing paradigm of progressions.

* Quantified fragmentation in physical world, living, yet, unaware is projected via entire spectrum of singularities (identical with regard to spectrum of light). This is a path of The Perfect Society, based on real, projected physical properties within Universal sequence.

* Singularity is a whole within quantified sequential projection, yet, singularity in physical projection doesn’t hold a key with regard to projection of progression, yet, interactions. Identical manifestation of properties dwell in social interactions, where fulfillment of singularity depend on social interactions between singularities.

* Identical phenomenon is observable within behavior of resonant waves, where singular atoms create simple patterns, intensity of molecular projection create complex, yet, logical patterns and subsequently resonant waves (attached illustration).

* Universe in molecular projection of potential, including transformation of energy is not only intelligent by the design and able to learn, but is also projecting ethical paradigm, otherwise Universal projected progression would not be possible to occur.

* The Perfect Society manifest behavioral Universal essence, projected in science of progressions since Universal initiation of sequence unfolded.

* The Perfect Society; unaware molecular existence is teaching us via its projected progressions, a proper alignment with regard to ethical attitudes; interactions vs spectrum of light vs Universal progressions.

* Moral paradigm was not invented by men, yet, we learn ethics from the Universal whisper and the footsteps of molecules and energies, initiated already in unaware existence, yet, eloquently projected, once breathtaking aware existence was miraculously introduced via Intelligent Design.

* The Spectrum of The Perfect Society is projected via singularities and subsequently through  resonant waves, complete, yet, bounded by unified projected image, entire sequential spectrum: without this paradigm of life, unaware as well as subsequent projected awareness would not be possible to occur.

* The Perfect Society is projected through science, Intelligent Design, de facto, spectrum of energy, light, resonant waves progressed via interdependent interactions, where action vs reaction define projected image.

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Note: anticipated projection of singular as well as multiple atoms is progressing via interactions; action vs reaction in 3D space, as well as transformed in real time within specified orientation in 3D space, which is progressing as well. Everything is unique and changing, due to the motion and variations in molecular state as well as energies, detected by subatomic “sensors”.

Note; “Bohr-Einstein Debate” and “Heisenberg Uncertainty”. 

Subatomic variations depend on action vs reaction and this is  defining moment where reality is formed. In my personal opinion “uncertainty” is non existent in quantified projections, yet, simulation of projected molecular/energy progressions would provide precise measurement as long as entire  data of the precise molecular/energy orientation vs 3D Space as well as resonant waves of energy would be provided.

Measurement refers to limited progressions in unlimited multiplications. As of today we don’t have simulation tool with regard to reality formation, yet, calculating the future based on projected performance of the past ( often we call “present”).

Reality of formed within motion in subatomic level, and that’s where image projection is progressing; light vs human eye vs transformation of molecules/energy/photons into electromagnetic waves vs projection on subatomic level vs variations of awareness (colors vs shapes vs taste vs emotions vs limited variations in unlimited multiplications.

Superposition of waves within 3D Space define patterns, yet, debate of “Bohr-Einstein Debate” and “Heisenberg Uncertainty” clearly shall refer to the notion that the most projected phenomenon within 3D Universal quantified projection of progression is measurable uniqueness, yet, modern science is anticipating repeatable, identical results, yet, all we can get is precise compatible approximations, measurable as long as all data would be available within real time progressions as well as simulation of projected progressions. Uniqueness is the most common quality within 3D Universe.

Perf Society vs Resonant Waves  (1)_filtered

Behavior of Waves vs Projection of Imagery within Universal Human Vicinity (vision) … .

* Resonant waves, the essence of projection is manifested via progression of patterns from singular and subsequently more complex patterns. Identical quality is observable in social interactions.

* The Perfect Society vs Quantum Universe:
Singularity dwells in whole, yet, all dwell in singularity = I am in you, you are in me …

* Energy is forming, spontaneously, patterns within Universal quantified interactions. Identical properties are projected within social interactions, yet, The Perfect Society is defined by the quality of interactions, in this instance resonant waves are translated into ethical paradigm, the essence of science, where maximizing potential is progressing within Universal projections.

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